What makes ICRTouch the perfect choice of EPoS System for Retail?

There are many benefits to enhancing your business with an EPoS system as flexible and feature rich as the ICRTouch range of products. Below, we detail some of those that will specifically benefit retail businesses.

Integrated EPoS for retail

Real-time decisions

With easy access to real-time sales data, you can quickly identify trends and be in a position to react instantly.

Remote programming

Easily make changes to your pricing, promotions and products across every store, or schedule them for the future.

Stock control

Place and schedule orders with your chosen suppliers and easily keep track of all your ins and outs.

Choose a flexible EPoS for retail with features that work for you...

TouchPoint EPoS offers unparalleled features out of the box. Seamlessly integrated with the ICRTouch ecosystem, it provides complete flexibility and control for your pub or bar.

Reward customers

Reward regular customers and encourage customers to return if they haven’t visited in a while.

Customer interactions

Create targeted customer interactions such as email newsletter and SMS messages with the help of TouchLoyalty.

Link scales

UK weights & measures approved, TouchPoint can calculate the price based on weights of items scanned.

Keep on top of product management with intelligent reporting

Accessible from any location and at any time, TouchOffice Web back office management software brings your business to your fingertips whenever you require it. In addition to retrieving comprehensive reports encompassing various aspects such as product or clerk performance, stock levels, and transactions, TouchOffice Web also empowers you to oversee every facet of your EPoS ecosystem.

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